Name: Esin Penrith
Bio: Peace doesn't concern me, neither does world hunger. I don't care about politics, religions or philosophies. I say fuck the poor and the rich and the middle class equally. Fuck designer hand bags and New Yorkers wearing black or fucking trucker hats. I don't want to save the world or the whales. Fuck the whales. I hate Berkeley neo-hippies as I hate reality tv. I say fuck middle-class white kids with dreads and fuck burning man. Fuck Mummia, fuck iraq, fuck france, fuck nsync, fuck mtv, fuck flash mobs, fuck dolphins, fuck fake tits, fuck gay pride and fuck all the crappy art out there. Fuck leather wrist bands, fuck Che Guevara and fuck studded belts. Fuck guys that get courage in groups and fuck all those who flip off a camera when you take a picure. Fuck the homeless and fuck all hypenated-americans. Fuck capoeria, fuck yoga and fuck buddhism. Fuck Harrry Potter, fuck the matrix, fuck 3 weeks of vacation, fuck a large screen tv and fuck a house with a white picket fence. Fuck the Simpsons and fuck the Vagina Monologues. Fuck emo, indie, garage, hip-hop, trance, punk and sick fuckin sell-out country. Fuck Elian, fuck mother teresa, fuck Fight Club and fuck JFK Jr. Fuck aids, fuck sars, fuck bars and fucking movie stars. Fuck napster, fuck Kazaa, fuck livejournal and fuck friendster. Fuck people who think they are cool for not being on Friendster. Fuck the RIAA, fuck metallica, and fuck isrealis and palestinians, fuck em. Fuck 420, 9/11 and the fourth of july. Fuck your conversations, dreams, loves, ideas, hopes, jobs and drugs. Fuck you if you think you are unique or an individual. Fuck you if you think you are a rebel, or crazy, or cool because you are not. Fuck people who are products of their environment and fuck you if you think your not a product of your environment. FUCK PEOPLE WHO CAN'T TAKE A JOKE, especially when the joke is their lives. Yeah...I'm a fucking peach.