
by McCutcheon
Roses are red, violets are blue, peas are green and oranges are orange


To all the people who have visited the shoe box of my head,
I would love to turn you on
Red stains
Dead roses in red wine bottles
Blood love


I’ve done white lines to boost my pride
told white lies to acquire a social life
got between a black woman’s white sheets,
and taken off a girl’s cotton white panties


In-between the blue
I’ve walked under the stars and over the seas
got drunk listening to Billy Joel’s Piano Man,
everything by Tom Waits and Shane Mac Gowan
I think I’m in love with life,
but probably just high


To all the people who want to sleep with me
you give the buzz of the bumblebee,
hornets nest and wasp stings
No sleep black eyes,
under brushed yellow teeth
baggy skin and tartar
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