Jack Kerouac

by Sloth
Jack Kerouac's books "On the Road" and "Dharma Bums" are two of the main reasons that the 60's counter-culture movement happened.

Kerouac became a true "spokesman for a generation" and continued to prove that great literature can have a profound impact on culture.

Happily, this was a role Jack never relished and ultimately rejected. Fans often confused Jack with Dean Moriarty, the main character of On The Road. Jack was a drinker, writer and jazz fan, never a hipster like so many of his "beat" imitators.

Born in Lowell, Massachussets of Qubecois parentage, Kerouac was a an alcoholic mama's boy with a serious speed habit. He died miserable and young probably due to excessive guilt and self-loathing. We love you Jack! And we always will!
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