![]() |
Username: Brian Comments: Hey everyone at Paxacidus. I have been
nothing short of impressed with your website. I love how you don't
censor anything in your writing and how you express the way you
truly feel. I must say I agree with almost all views expressed here.
Unfortunaly I live in the land of the FREE-....which is total Thank you for that. Keep up the good work, and the good drugs. |
Username: Matthew Geddes |
Username: Dave Comments: As a forty-something, former acid / peyote
/ mushroom / mescaline gobbling alcoholic it was my first reaction
to your site to shake my head and say "these guys are going
to wake up one day and go: 'aww fuck I don't remember how I got
nowhere so fast'" ... but then I had the clarity of mind to
realize that if, in 1976 we'd had the web as a 'speakers corner',
I'd have done the same thing. You are re-living my youth, but with
lower quality acid, and higher quality women from what I've seen
here. Keep it up .. but try to quit drinking once a year. |
From : "Wouldn't You Like to know" --Michele |
To: sloth@paxacidus |
Username: John Delahunt, from Downey, California |
Username: vida UserEmail: *** Comments: hi mcutcheon -vida |
MessageType: Praise Comments: sssociety says, "fuck the bus!" i love what you do. i love what you stand for. freedom is a precious gift that nobody takes advantage of. fuck society and it's moral obbligations |
Username: lj UserEmail: Comments: yo, this is the perfect time to check out the site. where am i? dont worry yes i am still drunk. not paying much attention to your poetry, just to my fucking splitting headache that wont stop jesus christ i got to stop drinking |
From: jill butler <> |
Username: Pixie UserEmail: Comments: "Pretty smart and pretty sexy" ??Goddamnit, I'm not on the bus cause I KNOW boys and girls are most fuckable between 25-35- that is if you're looking for more than a "Oops I did it again" 2 second scenario. So there. And Washington DC is the devil, but not offered as an answer. So now can I be on the bus? PUHLEASE??? If you say no, I'll have DJ Vegan my boyfriend come and kick yo' ass. And he knows where you live...uh,as soon as you get back from Europe you lucky SOB. PS: We missed you at Robert's Birthday party- so you must come to our next big bash-ola at our new home, Creature Casa... Cheers, namaste, ciao and other pretentious backpacker sign-offs. |
Subject: [sweat on my hips] |
Username: ANDYM UserEmail: Comments: Wow - I actually thought this site would be crap. I was searching on the net for short story sites and discovered this one. Believe me when I say that I LOVE "BURNTROOF OF MOUTH". I hardly ever manage to drag myself through an entire story on the net - hard on the eyes you know, but I was captivated by the pizza guy. Looking forward to the next installment! |
Username: Rich UserDream: Me and my unrequited love take a roadtrip together UserEmail: CityCountry: Shittown, U$A. .... AKA Houston, Texas MessageType: Praise Comments: The Pizza Boy was great. Ch. 2 is my favorite. It's nice to see young people who are still devoted to art in this world. Refer: Search Engine ReferOther: Searching for Bill Hicks Submit2: Submit to Pax Acidus |
Username: Chris Wood UserDream: writing writing writing UserEmail: CityCountry: Manchester, England MessageType: Suggestion Comments: Love the site, esp. Bill Hicks on the bus. One of the guys who runs Sacred Cow (Hicks' production company), Chris Weigh, has a site. Some of my work is on it and I'd be delighted if you guys stopped by! Cheers and keep those stoned smiles. |
MessageType: Praise Literary magic. Stumbling upon your website has done nothing more than enrich my trip here. You have taken the essence of freedom, sexuality, humanity, and culture and tossed it at me like a brick. Looking forward to more. |
MessageType: Praise Comments: your page is better than doughnuts!!!!! |
Username: Ally Comments: You can think. |
MessageType: Praise Fucking Bravo! I admire you. Read all the poetry and had a feast. Paxacidus is the reason the internet exists. There is hope, after all...Anyway, I decided to send you a poem of mine...... jazz |
MessageType: Praise Comments: your story sorry bore's me anliyising the pain is dffuicult, my only question is do you really give a fuck . A,A is crap because whats real did not come out ,,, yours sincerely just an emil////////// |
From: Jorge Cardoso <> Hello, anyway I got 80% in the test. My name is Jorge, I'm a Brazilian, from Rio de Janeiro. Short history (my English is quite raw, I learned it on the streets, sorry) - I grew up in Rio, near the slums. I spent time on the library and beach. Than I was in the university of philosophy that I didnt finish. I left Rio with a ruck sack, and I flew to Morocco. Than I moved to USA, Los Angeles start to work like a wash neep in La Jola. Than Iowa, the city that I learned English. Than I move to Iceland where I found beauty and love. Than my money over completely and I runaway to London. Portobello road, South Bar, more kitchen and Books time. Than I lost part of my finger and left London, Im a writer and I can not right in pain. I moved to Holland, Bruxels, Stockholm than I was deported in Calais north of France, because I said to a british imigration Fuck off, he laught and got my writings. Im in Rio now, in a kind of exile?, still without any money, but with hoppe, I love my baby. And I would like to give to you a part of my book called Libro de Las Magias Falsas. Try to find out, please, some one that speack portuguese, anyway if you show me interest I would like to try translate it for you. thanks for the bus! Uvas e Estrelas (Grapes and Stars) Aquele que disse que te ama disse que amava antes quem? Acaso - abecedário da vítima. Tome suco, coma morango, leia –...mas escute o porco gritar. A verdade é impossível. O amor existe mas é raro. E de tanto buscar as coisas raras,... se cansa. O trabalho das formigas que desesperam quando perseguidas. Cover my back. -; não atira. Vergéis Tranqüilos Campos minados. O futuro ainda não Tem (...) Perturba tanto. A gente não conhece um nem outro e O medo de falar morre no peito ....Uvas e estrelas.... Se o que te protege são os mares da ira, Sonhe. "Os mansos herdarão a terra e se deitarão na abundância da paz" - Salmo 37:11 Tenho medo de não acreditar em Deus. Medo. Meu pico é o medo de Deus. Não sou responsável – porém o medo esvaece pela graça de Deus. Procuro em livros...e nada. Então me deito esperando o sono chegar. O pai nosso é a oração mais forte. eu que não te via agora te sinto –doe órgãos. Aquele que sonha com o distante Magoa quem o quer por perto. ..., se precisas ser estrangeiro - magoe. |
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2000 20:00:19 -0600 your website quite frankly is juvenile at best and very offensive McCutcheon, if you would like to share your true thoughts, hopes and dreams. e-mail me! if this is an extension of the sum of your experiences at the age of 30, I will pray in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior and by the power of the Holy Spirit you will see the bigger picture of who is really in control. Jesus loved you so much he died in your place and to prove it he rose from the dead. He's alive! Jesus Christ is alive! |
From: "Lori Kosmatka" <> I'm not gonna sit here and analyze it all, but, I will say I really got something out of the poems mentioned above. What did I get out of it? A sense of togetherness and loss, finding what matters, a life, a beauty so vibrant, pouring from flesh into mind into heart, the act of lovemaking IS love, as much as we let our hearts let it be. And it is a shame when things become complicated and when human beings become complex. Personally, as I feel I'm a complex person, I feel almost too disenchanted with exhausting my complexities on someone who would matter, then only add to my list... but there is always the hope of the "magical connection". it's strange to go about your life and have it happen when it's not expected. *smile* So in your groovy techno dancing seattle clubs, best of all wishes to finding that "heather graham" who looks you in the eyes and uncomplicates things. heh. |
MessageType: Praise Comments: Please please please finish Soo La Sen , The Living Dead Don't Get a Holiday. This book is unbelievable , i NEED to know more, i NEED to know what happens . Please write the next book . Could you at least please email me and give me an idea of what is going to happen. Please keep writing! |
MessageType: Praise |
MessageType: Praise McCutcheon~ I'm so fucked up right now but I decided that that would be the best way to write you. I discovered your's and Sloth's web page last night. I was looking for something to read before I drifted off to sleep when I stumbled upon to your web page. Needless to say, I stayed up until 4:30 eastern standard time on no drugs what-so-ever because your page was so enticing that I could not fall asleep. I never realized before that there was other people on this Earth that felt the same way that I did. Thank you so much for not just understanding, but relating with me. You don't understand what a comfort it was to read your poems and short stories and realize that I wasn't the only God-awful person to feel emotions. I read the guest book. How does it feel to have people fall in love with you who have never even met you? I would love to know. Please write me back even though I am just an "American" Thank you!!!! Your's Sincerely, |
MessageType: Praise if you are ever in need of my 2-d verbiose rants, email me if you are ever in need of good music, buy some old lou reed |
MessageType: Praise |
MessageType: Praise Comments: I found this site trippin one night with nothing better to do besides stare at my screen and trip balls i wasn't really paying attention to where i was going or how i got there but i ended up here and loved it hey sloth you're fuckin hot and whens the 2nd part of your book comming i wanna read it so bad it almost makes me wet.....keep everything up its great hugs kisses and XTC kitty |
MessageType: Praise |
MessageType: Problem Comments: You kids need to shut the hell up. you are pathetic nerds who try and be cool by fitting into the lame mtv dance party dj dum ass rave scene . your site sux and so does all your taste, there is a thing called originality, look up the word. I can see that you little faggots wouldn't know real art if it came up to you and pissed in your face. Why don't you nancyboys go get some beads and tiedyes and go jack off together watching Eddie Veddar sucking on a puppets dick. Do your mommy's know that you are some kinda backpack wearin nerdy acid wanna be's? man, your stories are awful,your poetry sounds like 'some weepy coffee shop black turtle neck waring, im so weird;' horseshit! Fudgepackers. you should move to vegas and become showgirls. I bet your scrunched up little balls wont even post this. and u seem to |
From: "Laura L" <> so that's that. |
MessageType: Praise I think because of you guyz I'm going to start writing again. THANX!!!!!!!! (McCutcheon you're so fucking hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ) Kay |
Reply-to: |
From: Can't wait to read #2. Peace out. |
From: "Lewis, Adrian" <> |
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 13:03:45 -0700 (MST) Nice pick with Slick Willie, though. |
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 15:55:19 -0700 |
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 15:57:44 -0700 |
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 05:38:19 -0400 |
MessageType: Praise |
From: |
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 09:00:16 -0400 |
From:| Block address | I'm Hans from Norway and I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your website. At last I found a drug-related website where everything doesn't evolve around drugs. I especially liked your music and literature stuff. I noticed that you mentioned DJ Gilb-R in your music part. |
From:<> | |
From: |
From: could you please send me a picture of the cover of your album? |
To: "Pax Acidus" <>
From: "Verschuren" <> | Block address Dear Sirs, We are very surprised about your very beautiful poetic song about our candy necklaces. Our company Peco Suikerwerken in the netherlands is the original producer of the product Candy Necklaces. |
Reply-to: "stefania murcha" <> |
From: | Block address Bill Hicks was the greatest comic to ever walk this planet. An unrecognized genius who channge the way I looked at a lot of things. His death was a tragety but his thoughts and comedy will live on. I loved the site and thought I'd drop you a line. It's nice to know he finally found the spaceship that took him off this fuckin planet! :) |
From: Next time you feel like displaying your ignorance publicly just shove your head up your ass in front of a crowed. |
From: | |
From: how do you sleep at night knowing kids have access to this smut |
MessageType: Praise Comments: |
Username: jessy valdez Comments: |
MessageType: ...........please mail me/alicia |
MessageType: Praise this is the dirty ol man from kent wash i love your site i just discovered it will be looking in now and then to see what you guys and girls are doing keep up the good fight praise and love from BLUE BUSS PRODUCTIONS OF SEATTLE |
MessageType: Praise Hey this is a cool website I was on ravelinks and some dude was talking about u guys so I thought I should check it out.It's cool good job... On the website I would love 2 hear from u guys if u would e-mail me back. I just want 2 know more about u guys and I wanted to know more about ecstacy the drug..If u can get back 2 me and let me know that would be grreeaat.. Once again u guys did a awesome job and I give u mad love and props.. I would love 2 haer from ya.. |
MessageType: Praise Comments: |
MessageType: Praise Thank Goodness for CandyNecklaces, and Fiona (that girl will just say and do anything!) |
MessageType: Praise ++Om. |