Love Letters & Hate Mail


Username: Brian

Comments: Hey everyone at Paxacidus. I have been nothing short of impressed with your website. I love how you don't censor anything in your writing and how you express the way you truly feel. I must say I agree with almost all views expressed here. Unfortunaly I live in the land of the FREE-....which is total
bullshit. Your writing helps me get through some of the senseless bullshit that the world throws at me.

Thank you for that. Keep up the good work, and the good drugs.

Username: Matthew Geddes
UserEmail: m_geddes@hotmail,.com
Comments: I'm on the bus man ! 90% on the quiz coz I didnae know Seattle. This is the site I've been looking for. Ginsberg & The Scream together at last ! Man what would
that have sounded like ? Fucking top ! Gonna be here every day and check out more stuff. Cheers. Matt

Username: Dave

Comments: As a forty-something, former acid / peyote / mushroom / mescaline gobbling alcoholic it was my first reaction to your site to shake my head and say "these guys are going to wake up one day and go: 'aww fuck I don't remember how I got nowhere so fast'" ... but then I had the clarity of mind to realize that if, in 1976 we'd had the web as a 'speakers corner', I'd have done the same thing. You are re-living my youth, but with lower quality acid, and higher quality women from what I've seen here. Keep it up .. but try to quit drinking once a year.

From : "Wouldn't You Like to know"
To :
Subject: Space Cake and Spoiled Children

I just read your short story on Paxacidus. What an awesome story!!! I felt like I was there....I think my pulse actually quickened. :-)


To: sloth@paxacidus
From Guillaume at
I love this page :)

Username: John Delahunt, from Downey, California
Date : Saturday, November 24, 2001 at 01:24:22

Comments: baaaaaaaaaahhh, you're all lambs. Pathetic fist fucking lambs. And homer-sexuals to boot.


Username: vida

UserEmail: ***

Comments: hi mcutcheon
i'v been dropping in on this site for a bit. i think its refreshing and inspiring, i agree with alot your ideas about hedonism. i too live on the hill, i'm a student here. i thought that "sex starts in the mind" was a really beautiful way of articulating your mood since sept 11. i've felt sort of meloncholy and just an eery awareness of death, even when i'm content and laughing or having sweet cuddly sex in a warm house on a cold day. i cant stop thinking about the reasons america generates so much hatred, and how none of us are really americans. i started to write something political and anti-patriot then i got paranoid about being put on some cia list. anyhow, i just wanted to say good show- your writing is improving and you so deserve to be published.



MessageType: Praise
Username: Pete
CityState: Seattle, WA


sssociety says, "fuck the bus!"
-fuck the bus-
-fuck the bus-
-fuck the bus-
someone gets smart and sticks a potato in the tail pipe...
-fuck the bus-
the potato pops out and knocks society on it's ass

i love what you do. i love what you stand for. freedom is a precious gift that nobody takes advantage of. fuck society and it's moral obbligations

Username: lj


Comments: yo, this is the perfect time to check out the site. where am i? dont worry yes i am still drunk. not paying much attention to your poetry, just to my fucking splitting headache that wont stop jesus christ i got to stop drinking

From: jill butler <>
Subject: let's fuck
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 15:22:52 -0800 (PST)

dear whomever you are. your site is hot and i want to
link it to all of mine and I want you to cum here and
be with us in TheDolphinDream. Please check out all
the wbesites Im building by myself since our "friend
"at Zeuqram Technologies, Dean Meyers who is putting
in all the e-rate systems for every school in America
with a 3 and one half billion dollar gov contract with
Ameritech in Chicago after they stole it from Clover
Technologies. Anyways the long and the short of it is
that I got on line and I am teaching myself all of
this and meeting amazing people like yourself.
Anyways its a community that joins in all ways... you
know the true Yoga, body mind and soul and I want you
to cum here and join me. Love Jill Please call me and
look at my profiles pages on yahoo and I've made a lot
of pages at geocities and homestead and msn is my
newest place but I can't tell you because Im too
stupid and I didnt know yet how to link them you get
the idea I hope Jill i am real really real Jill
Karlin Butler

Username: Pixie


Comments: "Pretty smart and pretty sexy" ??Goddamnit, I'm not on the bus cause I KNOW boys and girls are most fuckable between 25-35- that is if you're looking for more than a "Oops I did it again" 2 second scenario. So there.

And Washington DC is the devil, but not offered as an answer.

So now can I be on the bus? PUHLEASE???

If you say no, I'll have DJ Vegan my boyfriend come and kick yo' ass. And he knows where you live...uh,as soon as you get back from Europe you lucky SOB.

PS: We missed you at Robert's Birthday party- so you must come to our next big bash-ola at our new home, Creature Casa...

Cheers, namaste, ciao and other pretentious backpacker sign-offs.

Subject: [sweat on my hips]
From: "bloem" <>

hi again.

i reread a bunch of your poetry and short stories. i lOVE them. they are so raw and human. no bullshit; full of honest emotions. they are also incredibly sexy. i find it so strange to be aroused by someone who i have not met or touched or smelled. don't stop. keep up the great work. you were meant to do it.

message me.

love --

Username: ANDYM


Comments: Wow - I actually thought this site would be crap. I was searching on the net for short story sites and discovered this one. Believe me when I say that I LOVE "BURNTROOF OF MOUTH". I hardly ever manage to drag myself through an entire story on the net - hard on the eyes you know, but I was captivated by the pizza guy. Looking forward to the next installment!

Username: Rich

UserDream: Me and my unrequited love take a roadtrip together


CityCountry: Shittown, U$A. .... AKA Houston, Texas

MessageType: Praise

Comments: The Pizza Boy was great. Ch. 2 is my favorite. It's nice to see young people who are still devoted to art in this world.

Refer: Search Engine

ReferOther: Searching for Bill Hicks

Submit2: Submit to Pax Acidus

Username: Chris Wood

UserDream: writing writing writing


CityCountry: Manchester, England

MessageType: Suggestion

Comments: Love the site, esp. Bill Hicks on the bus. One of the guys who runs Sacred Cow (Hicks' production company), Chris Weigh, has a site. Some of my work is on it and I'd be delighted if you guys stopped by!

Cheers and keep those stoned smiles.

MessageType: Praise
Username: RJ
CityState: Elizabethtown, PA
SubjectOther: Chance
Leave_body_to: General Motors
submit: Submit Comments


Literary magic. Stumbling upon your website has done nothing more than enrich my trip here. You have taken the essence of freedom, sexuality, humanity, and culture and tossed it at me like a brick. Looking forward to more.

MessageType: Praise
Username: officer mahoney
MailList: yes
Refer: Link Page
Leave_body_to: medical science
submit: Submit Comments
Remote Name:
Remote User:
HTTP User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)


your page is better than doughnuts!!!!!

Username: Ally

Leave_body_to: rock and roll


You can think.
You made me think.
I agree with you
Thank you

MessageType: Praise
Username: james andrews
CityState: nyc ny bellyofthebeast

Fucking Bravo! I admire you. Read all the poetry and had a feast. Paxacidus is the reason the internet exists. There is hope, after all...Anyway, I decided to send you a poem of mine......


MessageType: Praise
Username: a tinker
CityState: limerick


your story sorry bore's me anliyising the pain is dffuicult, my only question is do you really give a fuck .

A,A is crap because whats real did not come out ,,,

yours sincerely

just an emil//////////

From: Jorge Cardoso <>
Subject: Sloth, Im from Rio...SoS? 

Hello, anyway I got 80% in the test. My name is Jorge, I'm a Brazilian, from Rio de Janeiro. Short history (my English is quite raw, I learned it on the streets, sorry) - I grew up in Rio, near the slums. I spent time on the library and beach. Than I was in the university of philosophy that I didnt finish. I left Rio with a ruck sack, and I flew to Morocco. Than I moved to USA, Los Angeles start to work like a wash neep in La Jola. Than Iowa, the city that I learned English. Than I move to Iceland where I found beauty and love. Than my money over completely and I runaway to London. Portobello road, South Bar, more kitchen and Books time. Than I lost part of my finger and left London, Im a writer and I can not right in pain. I moved to Holland, Bruxels, Stockholm than I was deported in Calais north of France, because I said to a british imigration Fuck off, he laught and got my writings. Im in Rio now, in a kind of exile?, still without any money, but with hoppe, I love my baby. And I would like to give to you a part of my book called Libro de Las Magias Falsas. Try to find out, please, some one that speack portuguese, anyway if you show me interest I would like to try translate it for you.

thanks for the bus!

Uvas e Estrelas (Grapes and Stars)

Aquele que disse que te ama disse que amava antes quem?

Acaso - abecedário da vítima.

Tome suco, coma morango, leia –...mas escute o porco gritar.

A verdade é impossível.
A pálpebra é trêmula.
A nudez é gorda.
A igualdade é má.

O amor existe mas é raro. E de tanto buscar as coisas raras,... se cansa.

O trabalho das formigas que desesperam quando perseguidas.

Cover my back. -; não atira.

Vergéis Tranqüilos Campos minados.

O futuro ainda não Tem (...) Perturba tanto.

A gente não conhece um nem outro e O medo de falar morre no peito

....Uvas e estrelas....

Se o que te protege são os mares da ira,


"Os mansos herdarão a terra e se deitarão na abundância da paz" - Salmo 37:11

Tenho medo de não acreditar em Deus. Medo. Meu pico é o medo de Deus. Não sou responsável – porém o medo esvaece pela graça de Deus.

Procuro em livros...e nada. Então me deito esperando o sono chegar. O pai nosso é a oração mais forte.

eu que não te via agora te sinto

–doe órgãos.

Aquele que sonha com o distante Magoa quem o quer por perto.

..., se precisas ser estrangeiro - magoe.


Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2000 20:00:19 -0600 
From: andrew zahn <> 
To: Pax Acidus <> 
Subject: please take me off newsletter

your website quite frankly is juvenile at best and very offensive McCutcheon, if you would like to share your true thoughts, hopes and dreams. e-mail me! if this is an extension of the sum of your experiences at the age of 30, I will pray in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior and by the power of the Holy Spirit you will see the bigger picture of who is really in control. Jesus loved you so much he died in your place and to prove it he rose from the dead. He's alive! Jesus Christ is alive!

In His Name,


From: "Lori Kosmatka" <>
Subject: new to your site, regarding poetry.
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 02:51:26 CST
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed

hello there.. i stumbled across your site searching actually for a band called Pax (cooperative of Eco and X Marks the Pedwalk)over on yahoo...

anyways, very cool site you guys have here.. however, i am not much of a marathon-reader, i did read over the poetry section, and thought your stuff was pretty cool. in particular, "Blow Out the Candle Flame", "Hurt", "Inebriating...", "Kiss on the Bottom", and "Sister Mary". Heh.

I'm not gonna sit here and analyze it all, but, I will say I really got something out of the poems mentioned above. What did I get out of it? A sense of togetherness and loss, finding what matters, a life, a beauty so vibrant, pouring from flesh into mind into heart, the act of lovemaking IS love, as much as we let our hearts let it be. And it is a shame when things become complicated and when human beings become complex. Personally, as I feel I'm a complex person, I feel almost too disenchanted with exhausting my complexities on someone who would matter, then only add to my list... but there is always the hope of the "magical connection". it's strange to go about your life and have it happen when it's not expected. *smile* So in your groovy techno dancing seattle clubs, best of all wishes to finding that "heather graham" who looks you in the eyes and uncomplicates things. heh.

Also wondering, have you and Sloth ever listened to/read much of Leonard Cohen? He is by far my favorite lyricist/poet. He really goes to the extremities of human emotion, of unleashed, unrequited, and unashamed stories of love, lost, known. There is a compilation book out called _Stranger_Music_ which is almost like a bible to me... heh. If I were you guys, i'd so put him "On the Bus". *smirk*

grooving in the chicagoland area,


MessageType: Praise
Username: Eliza
CityState: Australia
MailList: yes
Refer: Search Engine
Leave_body_to: all of the above
Date: 2/5/00 Time: 7:32:16 PM

Comments: Please please please finish Soo La Sen , The Living Dead Don't Get a Holiday. This book is unbelievable , i NEED to know more, i NEED to know what happens . Please write the next book . Could you at least please email me and give me an idea of what is going to happen. Please keep writing!

MessageType: Praise
Username: Jannah Merson
CityState: Seattle, WA USA
Refer: Link Page
Leave_body_to: McCutcheon
Submit!: Submit Query
Date: 1/10/00
Time: 9:36:54 PM


Just thought that I would say hello to McCutcheon...I wish that I could meet you because I know if you met me...We would be very good at being bad.

MessageType: Praise 
Username: Arlene 
CityState: Dryden, NY US 
Leave_body_to: McCutcheon
Query Date: 12/23/99 Time: 4:07:24 AM 


McCutcheon~ I'm so fucked up right now but I decided that that would be the best way to write you.

I discovered your's and Sloth's web page last night. I was looking for something to read before I drifted off to sleep when I stumbled upon to your web page. Needless to say, I stayed up until 4:30 eastern standard time on no drugs what-so-ever because your page was so enticing that I could not fall asleep. I never realized before that there was other people on this Earth that felt the same way that I did. Thank you so much for not just understanding, but relating with me. You don't understand what a comfort it was to read your poems and short stories and realize that I wasn't the only God-awful person to feel emotions. I read the guest book. How does it feel to have people fall in love with you who have never even met you? I would love to know. Please write me back even though I am just an "American" Thank you!!!!

Your's Sincerely,

MessageType: Praise
Username: will
CityState: amorica
SubjectOther: a bus
Leave_body_to: medical science
Date: 11/12/99
Time: 8:55:11 PM

love the site.
looking at all the pictures and productive type exercises made me feel all blissy and bubbly and remember every amzing ecky experiance ive ever had, life is strange and beautiful i was giddy with some of the intelligentsia here, keep writing. i thought there was alot in 'candy necklace/i need' if you are ever in need of fun locations in nyc, lemme know...or just go to trilo, you'll do fine...heh

if you are ever in need of my 2-d verbiose rants, email me

if you are ever in need of good music, buy some old lou reed

MessageType: Praise
Username: David Lubich
CityState: UK
MailList: yes
Refer: Link Page
Date: 5/28/99
Time: 10:59:02 AM


Great zine. Thanks for the link to Dischord ezine: why not link to another of our articles, such as Just Do It or Cult Fictions, both of which relate to your view of things:


MessageType: Praise
Username: angi
CityState: rio, Wi (US)
MailList: yes
Refer: hallucination
Date: 9/25/99
Time: 6:08:59 PM


I found this site trippin one night with nothing better to do besides stare at my screen and trip balls

i wasn't really paying attention to where i was going or how i got there but i ended up here and loved it

hey sloth you're fuckin hot and whens the 2nd part of your book comming i wanna read it so bad it almost makes me wet.....keep everything up its great

hugs kisses and XTC


MessageType: Praise
Username: It Doesnt Suck
CityState: Canada
MailList: yes
Refer: Friend
Date: 9/22/99
Time: 6:41:57 PM


dear dirty whores,

I am Psyche.
I am located at
I am also a friend of Christie's et al the SFrangang....

i mentioned to Chris=tea that i have read several of your poems to my gang of friends, high and not high...they get... to say the least a fabulously HUGE response.

specfically druggy slutty girls and selling E....
those were the two i picked out... and have printed up to read to unsuspecting highmonkeys when the sketchiness sets in...i party in vancouver... and write as well..

trust me...keep it up, don't let the bastards grind you down... there is always ROOM for more intelligence in this world and you two were obviously granted with it...

in adoration and mutual prose respect,


MessageType: Problem
Username: Ryan Warren
CityState: long beach, ca. usa
Refer: Link Page
Date: 9/14/99
Time: 5:37:23 PM


You kids need to shut the hell up. you are pathetic nerds who try and be cool by fitting into the lame mtv dance party dj dum ass rave scene . your site sux and so does all your taste, there is a thing called originality, look up the word. I can see that you little faggots wouldn't know real art if it came up to you and pissed in your face.

Why don't you nancyboys go get some beads and tiedyes and go jack off together watching Eddie Veddar sucking on a puppets dick. Do your mommy's know that you are some kinda backpack wearin nerdy acid wanna be's? man, your stories are awful,your poetry sounds like 'some weepy coffee shop black turtle neck waring, im so weird;' horseshit! Fudgepackers. you should move to vegas and become showgirls. I bet your scrunched up little balls wont even post this. and u seem to
think bukowski was the only one allowed to write about booze and drugs, what a bunch of crap, you remind me of all the popular fit in high school nerds, who tried to turn cool after high school, well it aint working, shut this crappy site down and experience a little more in life before u post this garbage.

From: "Laura L" <> 
Subject: druggy slutty girls 
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 19:41:06 PDT 

I don't know how i got there but once i did, i stayed.
i have never stayed on a webpage for more than about 5 or 10 minutes but the moment i got to Pax Acidus, i was hooked, snared and lured in for more...

what i really liked, besides the lovely photos, of course, was your poem entitled "Druggy Slutty Girls"...i'm not going to analyze it and tell you what i liked about it because that's boring....what i'm going to do is (when a little more sober) read more of your stuff and i bet you anything, i will enjoy it as much as the poem. 

so that's that.

damn i feel stupid for writing to someone i have never met but there you go....that's life nowadays!

Laura the Brit


MessageType: Praise
Username: Karoleena Grunberg
CityState: Ithaca, NY,USA
Date: 9/8/99


I love you guys I REALLY REALLY love you guyz!!!!!!!!!!! 
I spent this summer roaming around Europe with friends and looking at your web page just brought back so many fucking great memories. Your music reviews and your writing totally inspired me.

I think because of you guyz I'm going to start writing again. THANX!!!!!!!!

(McCutcheon you're so fucking hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )

This page was definitely a great cure for my boredom.
E-mail me love ya.



From: "Vini Tankasali" <> 
Subject: Re: NT Guestbook 
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 05:10:30 -0700 

I checked out your site and just had to say that your writing is incredible. Honestly it's probably the first literature I've read on the web that I just couldn't stop reading. It is also the first material I have ever read that I can actually relate to. 

I live about 40 minutes from NYC, so your stories about going out in New York city (and all the cities you write about for that matter) are very similar to my experiences going out. 

I will be spending a lot of time reading all your stories in the next few weeks... I can't wait until I come back home after going out tonight and read (or attempt to read) some of your stories in and 'altered' state of mind.


Date: 13 Aug 1999 17:17:02 -0400 
To: <> 
Subject: Pax Acidus Feedback 
Message Type: Praise
CityState: none of your fucking business.
Refer: hallucination


I just finished reading Book One of The Living Dead Don't Get a Holiday. When I finished, I just kind of sat there for a minute, speechless. Sloth, you are an amazing writer. Your imagination and creativity are incredible, and the way you use words and phrases flips my fucking lid. My attention was held throughout the entire story, and trust me, that's an accomplishment! Mad respect to you for your work.

Can't wait to read #2. Peace out.



From: "Lewis, Adrian" <> 
To: "''" <> 
Subject: The Nark 
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 17:27:29 +0100 


I have just read your story The Nark on the web, and I am outraged. I am a 34 year old computer programmer from London, so we probably have widely different views on the world, but I think it is a terrible story of teen paranoia and drug alienation and should not be allowed on an open medium like the Web.

As an example of its detrimental effect, I give the example of myself, whereas two days ago I was happily residing in a free festival in the middle of England, now I am sitting in front of a computer in an office. In this fragile state I read your story and was subsequently given a bad case of the jitters thanks to the story's double-edged paranoia. 

Keep the faith


Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 13:03:45 -0700 (MST) 
From: Trevor William Sloan <> 
Subject: Re: hey 

please, man, i just needle you to keep your awareness heightened. 2 things i need from you now:

1. Give Nicole a smooch for me; my ventricles do a little flip when i see her pics on the site.

2. I disagree fundamentally with your Gates selection. How can you have that souless, megalomaniacal, weaselheaded demagogue degrading your bus, when you haven't even considered Sissy Hankshaw or her patron, Dr. Robbins.
Shame, shame, shame. 

Nice pick with Slick Willie, though.



Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 15:55:19 -0700 
From: everett true <> 
Subject: Re: spiritualized 

yo mc.

you won't convince me on spiritualized. they ran with the wrong crowd in the uk, know what i mean? their cover art sucked. their cover versions were ill-chosen. their past is tainted. now i come to think of it, i suspect that i haven't paid too much attention to their *music* as such, but...
hell. life is too dull. have to invent a few arbitrary lines, you know?

i have no knowledge of pop culture. i am the worst man with song titles and lyrics, names of musicians, etc. those things don't interest me - neither should they, except occasionally my lack of attention to detail means

i can't always recall something i would like to. the only knowledge i have comes through first-hand experience - and while i have some of that, granted, it amounts to nothing when placed next to, um, books.

a fast hipsters definition: people who pay over three bucks for a record. people who listen to dmx.

i'll go have a look at that website now, but don't expect me to stay for more than a couple of seconds.



Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 15:57:44 -0700 
From: everett <> 
Subject: Re: spiritualized 

all right. you've got me. if you wrote that review of fatboy slim, then i'm impressed. really.



Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 05:38:19 -0400 
From: Michael DeMutis <> 
Subject: Your writings 

Your stories are good. Very very good. I like them.
Finally a writer that can write about things I'm interested in. Drugs, sex, love, lack of love, loneliness, did I say drugs?




MessageType: Praise
Username: Matthew K Puvogel
CityState: Seattle, WA USA

Comments: Wow! I just stumbled upon your site, and really like what you have done! I view some of the images, read through a few of the stories, and do like your writing style. It was also a nice surprise to find that this is Seattle-based. I noticed in the Manwich incident (hello nightmare!!) that one of you works (or worked) for Amazon... are you still with us? Yeah... I am in CS, and have been here for just under a year... Take it easy... Matthew


Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 19:47:18 EDT 
Subject: Re: I made it on the Bus. 

Well, I did acid for the first time at 14, and have loved it ever since. I recently tried e, and I like it just as much. I am attempting to get my friends into raving, but it takes time. I suppose I have plenty of time now. I am 18, and my life is like a big canvas waiting to be filled. I want it to be a masterpiece. There are some raves in Baltimore, but they are thrown by redneck brats who don't play actual rave music. There is never any E, and Acid is very rare. They drink beer. Its like a high school party. (I am one of the girls who like to let people eat from their candy necklace while I wear it, by the way.)


Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 09:00:16 -0400 
From: (George Vakoutis) 
Subject: Re: Pax Acidus Newsletter #4 - Summer in Seattle 

Keep writing the stories - they're F@%king Awesome!


From:| Block address 
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 03:29:29 EDT 
Subject: Y2K ROCKS! 
Add Addresses 


Subject:A small greeting from Norway
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 10:24:02 PSTHello there!

I'm Hans from Norway and I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your website. At last I found a drug-related website where everything doesn't evolve around drugs.

I especially liked your music and literature stuff.

Just one comment...

I noticed that you mentioned DJ Gilb-R in your music part.
He owns a label called Versatile records. I'm just wondering if
you have ever heard about I:Cube, a band from Versatile-
I'm listening to their album "Picnic Attack" right now,
and believe me- it is incredible. Of course you might
not agree, but if you haven't heard them yet, I challenge
you to listen to it. Especially a track called Disco Cubizm
is in my opinion one of the best dance tracks ever. :)

From:<>  |
Date:Sun, 16 Aug 1998 04:54:54 EDT
Subject:luv the storys

wow cant say any more

Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 16:35:59 EST
Subject: I need help
Add Addresses

I am a writer of underground lsd poems and i would like to make a book but have no idea where or how.if you could e-mail me back so that we could talk or just call me. my number is 970-353-4246 ask for curtis thanks so much.

Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 00:33:38 EST
Subject: (no subject)
Add Addresses

could you please send me a picture of the cover of your album?
thank you.

To: "Pax Acidus" <>
Date:Fri, 08 Jan 1999 02:27:26 -0000
From: "Elizabeth Sullivan" <>
Subject: hey there
Organisation: HotBot Mail (

i hope you are naked right now. because i am.  i am imagining you rubbing your swollen cock all over my throbbing, erect nipples. thinking of you makes me spurt all over myself.  do you want to titty-fuck me? I want you to.  trust me, you won't regret it because i'm a 36D (for real).  i'm gonna make you love it.

anyway, that's what you get for saying you think my name is sexy.  you bad boy!

you're going to have to get a tiny bit more creative to grab my attention, sugar.

patiently awaiting your response,
Ms. Elizabeth H Sullivan

From: "Verschuren" <>  | Block address
To: <>
Subject:messaeg from the producer.
Date:Sun, 13 Sep 1998 16:18:15 +0200 Add Addresses

Dear Sirs, We are very surprised about your very beautiful poetic song about our candy necklaces. Our company Peco Suikerwerken in the netherlands is the original producer of the product Candy Necklaces.

Kind regards: Piet Verschuren,
General manager of Peco Suikerwerken B.V

Reply-to: "stefania murcha" <>
From: "stefania murcha" <> | Block address
To: <>
Subject: RE: whos on the bus
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 18:29:42 -0700
Add Addresses

I m sorry but the girls that you consider to " be on the bus " are there only for prepubesent boys wanking pleasure!!! Im sure there are many brilliant females that are into the techno revolution , please give them the time and effort. NB: DJ Heaven is not.
apart from that wicked site , Keep the underground real regards

From: | Block address
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 20:16:40 EST
Subject: I couldn't agree more!
Add Addresses

Bill Hicks was the greatest comic to ever walk this planet. An unrecognized genius who channge the way I looked at a lot of things. His death was a tragety but his thoughts and comedy will live on. I loved the site and thought I'd drop you a line. It's nice to know he finally found the spaceship that took him off this fuckin planet! :)

Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 15:18:51 EST
Subject: Dear Jackass

Do you always judge art by the people who like it?
How can the idot kids of today water down Bukowski's writting?
They have nothing to do with him, you pay too much attention to other people, and that tells me your a sheep just like the people you put down.

Next time you feel like displaying your ignorance publicly just shove your head up your ass in front of a crowed.
you know shit so eat it.

thank you
have a nice day

Paul Rubins

From: |
Date: Sat, 27 Feb 1999 16:15:55 EST
Subject: Correct Your Spelling 

Brett's last name is spelled "Farve". I know. I watched him shine at USM for 4 years.

Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 20:19:28 EST
Subject: extacy

how do you sleep at night knowing kids have access to this smut

MessageType: Praise
Username: Toya Fenroy
CityState: LaPlace,La. U.S.A.

I think that your short stories are really awesome. I never read any stories like that on the computer. And I just want to say keep up the good work. And don't forget to email me with some information and more of your cool stuff. Of course free of charge. Thanks!!!

Username: jessy valdez
CityState: monterrey, nuevo león, mexico

your page is pretty good....greetings from a mexican girl.....see u.....

Username: alicia
CityState: sweden Comments:
what is this sort of page anyway i wanted to see something about pulpficton but i got here why??????? well i dont understand something can you please mail me personaly please i feel a little bit dizzy but well

...........please mail me/alicia

MessageType: Praise
Username: keegan davenport
CityState: kent or seattle wash america Comments:

this is the dirty ol man from kent wash i love your site i just discovered it will be looking in now and then to see what you guys and girls are doing keep up the good fight praise and love from BLUE BUSS PRODUCTIONS OF SEATTLE

MessageType: Praise
Username: Neda Khonbani
CityState: San Jose, California USA Comments:

Hey this is a cool website I was on ravelinks and some dude was talking about u guys so I thought I should check it out.It's cool good job... On the website I would love 2 hear from u guys if u would e-mail me back. I just want 2 know more about u guys and I wanted to know more about ecstacy the drug..If u can get back 2 me and let me know that would be grreeaat.. Once again u guys did a awesome job and I give u mad love and props.. I would love 2 haer from ya..
Thankz Neda K.
California Raver Muah hugs and
kisses spread the plur.....

MessageType: Praise
Username: George Vakoutis
CityState: Boston, MA 02199

What's up? I was ROLLING through the numerous web sites that one can find while surfing on the web, and I came across the Pax Acidus site. I have to tell you that I am amazed at your short stories section. Although only some of the stories are true (which I hope all of them are), I find the experiences
that you write about very influential-I guess I have to go to Paris and check out the scene. Are there any copies of your book left-I'd like to take a ride through a few more of your trips.

MessageType: Praise
Username: Catharine
CityState: Cleveland, Ohio Comments:

Guys this is the greatest site, I don't even remember how I came upon you, but I am so thrilled. You really have some great stories, and reading them takes me back to some good times I've had, especially some of McCutcheon's stories and views, it kinda feels like a really freaky trip =) So, I just wanted to say hello, an tell you how much I love the site.Add more pictures and update!!!

Thank Goodness for CandyNecklaces, and Fiona (that girl will just say and do anything!)



MessageType: Praise
U Comments:sername: Om
CityState: Houston jU$t w@nt3d y0u guy$ t0 &n0w th@t y0u are da f00kin' BOMB. Y0ur $!t3 i$ fr3$h, @nd @ j0y t0 r3@d. My r00m@t3 @nd I $h@ll f0ll0w y0ur ex@mpl3 th!s w33k3nd @t @ Tr@nc3-R@ve h3r3 in H0u$ton! K33P X'ING!!!And as the wise Bill Hicks says, "Its just a ride..." GET ON THE FUCKING BUS PEOPLE!!!


P.S. I *WILL* meet you guys someday.

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