Noel Godin

by Sloth
Noel Godin
We at Pax Acidus salute you, Noel Godin. You are a pie-throwing anarchist from Brussels who loves nothing better than to smack a smart cunt upside the head with a cream pie. Kapow! No celebrity or billionaire is safe!

The LA Times Reported on Godin:
The French language has been compelled to coin a word to describe what Godin already has become famous (or infamous) for doing: entarter, or, loosely translated, to hit somebody in the face with a pie.

"Our world is so sinister that we have to laugh, to play the fool a bit," says the paunchy, gray-haired Godin, a part-time movie actor ("The Sexual Life of Belgians"), author ("Cream and Punishment," an autobiography) and journalist who lives in a modest row house in northern Brussels with five cats, 4,000 videocassettes of old movies and his companion, Sylvie Van Hiel, an English-to-French translator and publisher of children's books.

His sworn enemies, says the genial Belgian known to millions as L'Entarteur, or the Pieman, are "authority, depressing laws, the return of the moral order, nuclear power, any form of political power."

"I have always said to myself that it was necessary to fight back, to carry out a revolt through laughter," Godin says. "Now, what is the weapon that is at once the most comic and the most dreaded? For 30 years, I have been convinced that it is the cream pie."

Over those decades, Godin's targets have included some of the brightest stars in the firmament of French culture and entertainment: New Wave director Jean-Luc Godard, choreographer Maurice Bejart, television executive Jean-Pierre Elkabbach, film producer Daniel Toscan du Plantier, and France's best-known television anchorman, Patrick Poivre d'Arvor, who was creamed by Godin and some of his numerous accomplices as the newsman jogged through the streets of Paris in his UCLA sweats. (He goes after the French, the Pieman points out, because few notice when a Belgian is entarte.)

For information on Noel Godin, waffles, beer, and the sexual life of Belgians, check out the following links:

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