After a short drive in the truck Janis and I walk into the Blue Rose, an open bar. There are loud young drunks and quiet old alcoholics, youthful girls at the height of beauty ignoring sexual advances and worn out ladies past their prime trying to get laid. I like the energy of this circus. I wish I could say Tom Waits was on the jukebox but I would be lying. Bon Jovi is playing. Even the music can't deter my mood. I feel proud walking with Janis at my side. I see Mike. He is in the corner drinking by himself. Janis and I walk over to him. I put my arm around Janis's waist. Hey Mike. Trev. This is Janis. I know Janis. Oh. My arm drops to my side. I don't like this. Even though his heart belongs to only one woman his body doesn't, especially certain appendages of his anatomy, mainly his penis. Mike has a great dick, now that's not my opinion; it's the rumor around town. Girls swoon for it. His penis' reputation precedes him. And after living with Mike for so long I admit that I have seen him hard and it is quite impressive. He has a cock the size and shape of those huge dildos they sell in sex shops. Mike has a model cock; the bastard is gorgeous from head to toe. Girls love him. And Mike loves girls. Mike explained to me rather abruptly that he saw no reason to waste his twenties being celibate. He said he is keeping in practice for when Bonnie finally comes around. Aren't you the brooding young beauty, says Janis. Mike has a crush on a girl that he isn't getting along with, I explain. Yeah, it was love at first site, but looks can be deceiving, says Mike. So you sit and drink by yourself? asks Janis. Nothing like solitude. When did you get back from L.A.? Mike asks Janis. A couple of months ago. It wasn't for me. I found out I have a phobia of famous people. What? Yeah I know it sounds weird but I have a fear of anyone famous. I was working on a film and when the actors showed up I freaked. I started shaking and sweating. I thought it was the one occasion but it always happened. The funny thing is I didn't even admire the famous people I met out there. Well, welcome back. How do you guys know each other? I ask. Janis sits down. I fucked him once. She sips her beer and Mike laughs. This isn't funny at all. No honey, relax, Janis smiles at me. Her green eyes seem to grow in size. I went to film school at NYU and Mike was in one of my student films. Oh. How come I never heard of this film? I don't tell you everything, Mike says. Oh. I'm relieved, though I don't want to show it. Brando and McQueen never let their ladies see the emotion. This calls for music. I'm going to put some songs on. Bring back some shots, says Mike turning to Janis. You still drink Jack? Yup. I'm really fucking happy Mike didn't sleep with her. I walk up to the jukebox. Tommy and Timmy, two townies that I've known all my life, but have never seen out of their black boots, black jeans and black seventies rock group tee shirts are leaning against the wall. The only thing that's ever changed in these guys' lives is the hairstyles. Greasy and long, to badly perm'd and long, to feathered and long, and now back to greasy and long, always missing the style by a few months. Hello Tommy, hello Timmy. Trevor you better not be puttin' that faggot English music on, says Tommy. Yeah, says Timmy. You guys like English bands. Do not, says Tommy. Yeah, says Timmy. Led Zeppelin. Whoa, man, says Tommy. Yeah, says Timmy. There is a pause as the name hangs in the air liked I've desecrated holy soil. An American's McDonalds Big Mac is a Hindu man's religious icon. In the Blue Rose a cow is a cow and Zeppelin is God. Tommy and Timmy don't understand if I've insulted them or was talking shit. I don't know if I'm going to get a punch in the mouth. All I get is a hard stare. That's different, says Tommy. Yeah, says Timmy. Now isn't the opportunity I have been waiting for to mention Judas Priest. Guys its time to get out of the time warp. We ain't in no time warp, says Tommy. Yeah, says Timmy. I nod my head at them and put the money into the jukebox. I start flipping the lever to move the discs. I pick Oasis; I like their b-sides. Tommy and Timmy crowd around me. Whoa! What the fuck is this shit! says Tommy. Yeah, says Timmy. The rest of the selections I spend on Tom Waits and Ryan Adams. It's my discs that I forced Purdy, the owner of the Blue Rose, to put in. I love spending my own money on my own compact discs while getting heckled by Ozzy Osborn fanatics. Sometimes it's amazing we all don't drink alone in front of a black and white television like Janis's mom. Tune out the world. I wonder if I will meet Janis' mom someday. I turn my back on the boys and head up to the bar. Tommy blows a smoke ring at me and Timmy doesn't say anything. Hey Purdy, three beers and six shots of Jack please. How were the roads tonight Trevor? You know. Yeah. He doesn't charge me for the shots and I tip him double. Back at the table Janis and Mike are talking. Janis says something to Mike and Mike nods his head in agreement. They shut up as soon as I am in earshot. I sit down and we all pick up a shot of Jack. What should we drink to? I ask. Mike tells me you guys are going to Europe That's the plan. Well, then to traveling. We click our drinks together in boisterous cheers. Trev wanted to go to Australia, but I thought it would be like San Diego with Paul Hogan accents. I wanted to feel a culture shock, to feel a displacement of place. We were thinking of going to Asia and making our way to Australia after, but we don't have the money. I want to see if Buddhism is as corrupted by money as the Catholic Church is, says Mike. I find it hard to believe that there is any religion left in the world that hasn't had its philosophy fucked. So we are planning on Europe. Everything is so close together we can see a lot of things. A lot of European things, says Mike. Going anywhere will be an improvement than here, Janis says. I mean not seeing every fucking church in France but what you can discover within yourself. It's good to get out of your safe lives. To go live where people don't know you. To be a stranger someplace. I'm having one of the best nights in recent memory with Janis and Mike. It's different than the routine, and that's always welcome. I feel like I can learn something from them. I usually understand half of what Mike says but that never kept him from talking to me. He has always been in my life. Now with Janis there is a conversation going on. We are actually talking to each other, not bullshitting, not using defenses to keep each other at bay. The beer is cold and refreshing and I feel warm inside. It's better to drink with friends. You don't have to drink to excess to get the anesthetized feeling that allows you to smile at people. I pick up the second shot. To friends, new and old. Mike and Janis pick up their shots. We clink and swallow. Janis grabs my thigh underneath the table. As I look at her I see Mike's face go distraught. Fuck! says Mike. He slams his chair backwards and grabs his coat. In that second the peacefulness of his aura leaves him as he rushes out of the Blue Rose. What's wrong? asks Janis. Over her head through the crowded bar I see Ricardo Junior and Bonnie making out. Ricardo Junior slyly winks at me. I decide to leave before I walk up to that Rico Suave and punch him in the face. I drive Janis home. We both get out of the truck. I walk up to her house following behind. I think we are going inside so I bump into her when she turns around to say good night. Where do you think you're going? Well I thought, you know? Yeah I know. Can I ask you something? Sure. Do you want to fuck me? Uh, sure. Why? Because I, uh, I think it would be fun I guess. Good answer. It is? I asked surprised. I thought I had just blown it. Yeah it is, she smiles at me. Right, I start getting my hopes back up. I take two more steps forward. Janis puts her hand up. It's always important to be honest when it comes to affairs of the heart. If you would have told me that you loved me or some shit like that there would have been no way I would let you inside my body. But see I'm at a disadvantage. You are? She seems in control to me. Yeah, I made the effort to meet you. So you know I liked you. I thought maybe. Well I don't. What? There go all my hopes again. I mean I do and I don't. You intrigue me. I won't know if I like you until after we sleep together. Why? Well I will never like someone who's bad in bed. So then we should sleep together. Yes. Yes? Yes, but But what? I would never build a relationship with someone, not that I want one, I mean I would never be comfortable with someone, doing other stuff like record shopping, if we fucked the first night. Shit I love this girl, a girl who likes to go record shopping. You buy vinyl or only compact discs? I ask. Huh? I don't want to ruin the moment. I nod my head. I'm trying to understand. I'm going to give you a choice. You can come in and we can sleep together but not see each other again or we can wait tonight and see how we get along. If it's good I want you to know I have a very high sex drive. I hold out my hand to shake goodbye. Janis grabs me and kisses me on the mouth. It is a passionate kiss with tongue and friction. I can feel the pleasure our mouths are giving to each other. My cock starts to rise. Janis turns and walks to her front door. Pick me up tomorrow morning when you get up. I'll be here. She goes inside. It's the first time a kiss alone got me hard. If that's anything to go on we will be having very good sex.