Victor hated mornings more than anything else in the Universe. He had spent his whole life avoiding them. Noon seemed the ideal biological time to crawl out of bed. And so that's when he did.
On a typical day like this one, Victor's waking life began normally. He woke up, made some coffee, rolled a joint, drank a cup, smoked half the joint, drank more coffee, and started reading a few chapters of philosophy before finishing off the joint and trying desperately albeit fruitlessly to relax and be Zen.
Life, he thought, is the pursuit of total relaxation and independence from responsibility. The speed-like breakfast drink was not helping him either. He shook uncontrollably and hoped that someday he could realize a state of lasting bliss without imbibing drugs first. He doubted it highly, though.
A strange scent wafted in front of his noise. Sour like mash. Something was amiss and he could sense it. He had a terrible sense of smell due to his smoking habit, but even still he could smell it, it was that strong a stench.
Once the coffee and joint buzzed and then mellowed his early-afternoon tingly brain, he could face the day with a positive attitude.
Victor looked at his clock. Since it was officially after 3 PM now, he hurriedly finished sucking the last drags out of his cigarette and decided to spend the rest of the day lounging about reading.
He had just picked up Marabou Stork Nightmares and decided to read it to give himself a dose of Welsh's excellent dialogue. Victor had left dialogue out of his work so far but needed to add some. Victor sucked at writing dialogue. He couldnt make it seem natural. He had more of a flair with the non-fiction stuff. When the last page was turned it was after midnight. Nothing like finishing a good book. Caviar.
The next day Victor repeated his daily self-medication and moved his laptop computer to the kitchen table and continued to code his viral masterpiece. Primal Scream went on the stereo to soothe the cruel mood swings of his muse. This was another day spent in not writing dialogue. He assumed his best Enlightenment revolutionary mindset and began as only he knew how, with total and utter brutality:
"To change society, you have got to change the Law."
-Bobby GillespieTo think of it any other way is to delude oneself. The government cannot fully control the people from the outside. It must ultimately rely on the people's faith in it. When there is no faith left in the government, that government must fall. It is not a bad thing; it is a great and wondrous thing. People that (r)evolve win freedom and spark artistic wonderment throughout to ages. Americans have to stop wanting to lead bourgeois idiot non-cultured existences. As a society progresses, the conservative forces take hold and strangle the love out of it. Only by (r)evolution can mankind lead meaningful lives. Kill your leaders and you will be happy (at least momentarily). And that is enough for one lifetime.
At around 7 in the evening, there was a knock at the door. It was a P.L.U.R. <pretty little underage raver>. Victor could not believe his good fortune. He first thought that it might be a hallucination or a demon come to spite him for taking too many experimental chemcials. But it stayed there and acted just like a P.L.U.R. to long to be a hallucination.
Victor opened the door.
- Hello!
- Hello, may I help you?
- My name is Shanta remember me from the Taco Bell?
It was Shanta, a 17 year-old raver whom he met while cruising the mall a few days ago. She had recognized and looked him up, apparently. She was the cutest of the bunch, coming up to him and walking away and dancing an shaking and wiggling her young bum. She was a fine steed, pretty face, still-developing boyish body, green-blond, and looked pleasantly out of touch with Middle America. All in all, she was perfectly suited to fulfill his greatest wishes.
"Hey you, cutie, what brings you by my humble abode?
"I need to score mass rolls for a party were throwing next weekend. I was wondering if you could hook me up. We need to get a better price then weve been getting."
"Yeah, but I need the money up front. I gotta go up to Chicago."
"Okay. Thats cool. I may need about three hundred doses. But thats not the main reason Im here. I wanted to see you again, too. To ask you some questions. I LOVE your website."
"Hey so do I. I sort of wanted to see you again too, but Im kind of shy to ask in front of other people." Then Victor imitated the midwestern hick accent. "Yer not like them other gerls around here, heh heh."
"Hey, are your parents home?"
"Yeah, but they are home in Chile", Victor sighed and swept his hands in a motion expressing the general direction of Chile and then swerved it into a beckoning motion offering the shelter of his house from the cold winter evening. She looked at him strangely and then their eyes met and it sparked an electric energy between them.
"Mom & Pop are doing field research on ants and licking toads and eating meal worms and such..."
Shanta smiled as she took a step forward inside.
"Cool place", she said. "Now that I'm inside I may need to smoke a joint and talk to you about stuff. I've had dreams about you, even before you shamelessly cruised me at the Mall."
"Dreams? What kind of dreams? Would you like a drink?"
"Hot Orb <hot chocolate and brandy> would be cool. But go easy on the sauce. Alcohol makes me slightly nauseous. It's so crazy cold out today."
"One hot Orb coming right up."
Shanta looked around the apartment. It was covered with 60's rock posters, insect display cases featuring strange bugs, and trinkets from around the world.
"All the interesting insects apparently live abroad," Victor chided as he boiled some water.
His humor was mostly lost on teenagers but this one seemed different. And she wasnt dressed like a rave cartoon character. She sported a tight sweater and had the right attitude about her. Her bum was so cute against her flared jeans it made lewd thought explode in Victors head like bees at a picnic.
"I'm a reporter for the school newspaper. The same one you used to edit before they kicked you out of high school. Do you remember back then? I was in, like, fifth grade I think. I also cover the local rave scene for this zine called Bread. My friend Brad edits it. He wanted me to come talk to you since you were involved. Can I ask you a few questions?"
"Sure," replied Victor, always eager to please the youth of America.
"Is it true that you were once chased naked by Mr. Tanenbaum through the high school flipped out on acid?"
"Maybe. But as I recall the story, I was the perfectly normal one and everyone else was on acid running around naked on acid... I could be wrong though."
"Okay, enough about Evansville for now. When was the first rave held in Indiana?"
"I dont know. Its impossible to say. People have been taking drugs and dancing since the beginning of time, but I wouldnt call that "raving". I would have to guess the first one was around five years ago in 92. I remember going to one in Indianapolis in a warehouse by the stadium. Great Ecstasy and poor blotter acid. Whats it like now?"
"Not much. What sort of music did they play back then?"
"Everything. Techno, early acid house, but mostly house. I think Derrick Carter and Stacy Pullen were up spinning from Detroit. Everyone got high on acid and hugged at the end. It was mad. It was the first time I realized the global nature of rave. There was a feeling that the world was changing rapidly. I couldnt believe there were parties just like in England and France. It was mad, really, I fear those days may be gone for good."
"Because of commercialism, bad drugs, and stupid cops mainly."
"Okay Victor, fair enough. Back to Evansville. Is it true that Mr. Erwin tried to kill you with an axe at Homecoming when you dosed him?"
"Yes. That's true, but him trying to kill me is what got me off free, so I forgive him."
" are like so infamous in high school. By the way, he says he's much happier now and dare I say even hipper due to the experience. He's recently even come out of the closet."
"Probably trips all the time now and blows the little fairy kids. A lot of people like that, especially teachers. I mean, anyone weird enough to want to spend their entire life in high school..."
"Acid is the perfect drug for the youth of America. It's easy to hide, cheap, fun, and they can't test for it. Safe as aspirin and effective every time. It always sorts out the weirdos from the cool people too. Still a shit sandwich when you get a bummer, though. "
"If you say so...", responded Victor, quite unsure of this theory.
"So, do have any good pills here now? I heard you just got in from Seattle."
"Excuse me?"
"Ecstasy, MDMA, 'the pill".
"Yeah, I always keep a few in case of an emergency like this. Want one?"
"YES! So how is the scene in Seattle?"
"There is no scene in Seattle. They would kill you if they heard you talking like that."
"I've heard that you are a difficult boy to know. Have you ever killed anyone?"
"Only cute girls like you..." Victor replied lunging for her, missing, and falling to the ground.
Victor laughed. Shanta knelt. Victor's heart jumped an inch from his chest.
"So you really wanted to see me when you saw me at the Mall? I was afraid you might not like girls like me."
"I like all cute girls for at least a few hours, anyway..."
Shanta freaked. "When it comes to you and free ecstasy, Im always free for a couple of hours."
"Like I said, I'm not real busy right now besides my book. I haven't been laid since August."
"That's hard to believe, Victor."
"Well, I was insane and freaking out the whole time until you showed up, so there you go."
Shanta recoiled as if in shock, suddenly remembering that this was the man who was writing 20 Ways to Rape a Sheep. The boy would be world famous inside of five years, tops. She must fuck this boy and know his meat.
Victor noticed the look of embarrassment and tried to appear humble.
"So you've read my book?"
"I read what you have posted so far," she said. "BRILLIANT. I read it all three times. I keep reading it again because you always change it so much."
Shanta then looked up at Victor with her angelic young face and asked "Tell me, did you ever do it with a sheep?"
Victor frowned. "No, the sheep are just a metaphor for my sister."
"So you have slept with your sister?"
Victor didnt know what to say, so he told the truth.
"Do you believe that it's natural?"
"No. Not in this country it's not."
"Don't worry. If I were your sister, I would still wanna fuck you too."
Victor reached out to hug her and she jumped into his arms. He grabbed her bare butt and the two of them laughed and hugged.
"You are so funny."
"Yes, and you are too beautiful to be so cute "
"Oh stop. I will make it worth your while if you set me up with interview material."
"Ask away. I am all your."
Shanta pulled away and grabbed a pencil and paper,
Victor got out a few pills for himself and Shanta and then put on his favorite Primal Scream disc.
Alarmed by his own nimble wit, Victor almost didn't notice Shanta undressing before him. She casually removed her shirt and danced around topless to the music.
"I feel wonderful and alive with you," she breathed and spun.
Victor was a little confused as to why life was being so kind to him. Mere hours ago he had been miserable. Now he had a naked teenager in his house awaiting an Ecstasy trip. It was like some magical and hip god had suddenly befriended him and granted him a wish. He knew he must have a reputation at the high school, but this was beyond his good fortune.
Before he could fully collect his thoughts, Shanta had stripped totally naked and started dancing around his house. Her shoulder length hair was hanging shoulder length and her twin breasts in youthful defiance of gravity. Her little vagina could have stood in The Louvre next to the Mona Lisa without looking out of place; it was that magnificent.
He couldn't stop staring at her body as she spun and giggled.
"Shanta baby, there's no way the drug could have hit yet, but I do like the vibe."
"I feel like dancing, free. Take off your clothes and dance with me. Don't pretend and be coy, I can see your bone through your jeans. I've read your entire web site and I know what you like. My only goal is to please you and make you see that the life you have chosen is wise."
"I was just planting seeds, darling. Seeds take a long time to grow but sometimes they bear themost delectable fruit."
Victor pondered the good and the bad times of his life and thought that if America loved chemistry as much as football then every day might be this good.
As the ecstasy made its way through their systems and Victor's vision began to twitch ever so slightly, he felt the girl's hand close around his balls and squeeze them gently as she lowered her mouth for a long French kiss. Shanta spent the night and they both got what they deserved, several hours of shared bliss without remorse.
For the first time in a long while it felt good to be in Evansville.