UK Wonderland

by McCutcheon
UK Wonderland
At the moment- as the summer turns to fall and the nights become long and colder, the best get into bed and hold, and kiss, feel, touch, moan, gasp, record is The Charlatans Wonderland. It's a great fuck record. I got music, now I just need a warm body.

We here at Pax Acidus don't do adverts but we will tell you when to part with your cash and get some music that will make your ass shake, your heart pump and your sexy bits want to get into the action. Music is worth loving to the point of starvation, especially when it's this good.

also if you like The Charlatans hunt down Them's version of It's all over now baby blue, The Seeds, and The Creation. Three undderated bands from when your parents were having sex to rock and roll.

This music update was brought to you by McCutcheon, who says if you haven't played the new Spiritualized a thousand times since it came out how can you even think of waiting at The Bus stop.
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