- 13
- 2 Girls to Get Over 1
- A Fine Line
- A Girl Named Jolie
- A Short Poem About Howard Stern
- Afterglow
- Allen Ginsberg
- Always & Forever
- Angelina Jolie
- Another Bad Night
- Attractions & Perversions
- Beaucoup Fish
- Bedroom
- Beer For Breakfast
- Bend Over, Dr. Laura
- Bill Gates
- Bill Hicks
- Bitter Break Up Words
- Black Folks
- Blame Canada
- Blow Job
- Blow Out the Candle Flame
- Brett Favre
- Burnt Roof of Mouth
- Café in Paris
- Candy Necklaces
- Captain Marks
- Cashews
- Charles Bukowski
- Christ Tits Excite Me
- Cliche All Stars
- Colors
- Concussion
- Crossfader
- Cruising
- Cures For Hangovers
- Danielle
- David Sedaris
- days
- Diane di Prima
- Disco Dancing In the 90's
- Druggy Slutty Girls
- Dylan Thomas
- Earnest Hemmingway
- Everyone Wants to be Beck
- Fédération Football Française
- Football
- Fresh
- Fucking
- Girls Night Out
- Gross TV
- Hangover Sex
- Heather Graham
- Henry Miller
- Hip Hop DJ
- Hippie Chick
- Hobo Prince
- How I became a Rolling Stones fan
- Howard Marks
- Hurt
- I Knew This Beautiful Girl
- I'll Always Be There For You
- Ian Brown
- Ian Curtis
- Imaginary Hug
- Inebriating The Medulla Oblongata
- Installation Sonore
- It's All Good
- Jason Lee
- Johnny Cash
- Johnny Depp
- Kate Moss
- Kid Loco
- Kiss Off
- Kiss on the Bottom
- Kissing the Suns of Summer
- Kurt Cobain
- Last Night in the Light
- Leonard Cohen
- Lester Bangs
- Let it Come Down
- Little Blue Bunnies
- Lou Reed
- Love Hurts Rather Alot
- Luna
- Lust & Love
- Manumission
- Messy Swingers
- Mount Blanc - A Fondue Romance
- Mutual Respect
- My Easiest Lay
- New Beat Fiction
- New York Cool
- Nick Cave
- Nick Drake
- Obsession
- One Night Stand of the Future Ex Girlfriend
- Panic Attack
- Pathetic
- Pony Express
- Primal Scream
- Rain
- Rave is a State of Mind
- Remedy
- Roller Coaster Ride
- Rosa Parks
- Running
- Sam Peckinpah
- Saturnzreturn
- Serge Gainsbourg
- Sex
- Sex Starts in the Mind
- Shane McGowan
- Shaun Ryder
- Sister Mary
- Smoking The Black Crack With Shaun Ryder
- Space Cake
- Speed Trap
- Spike Lee
- Stupid Stupid Stupid
- Sun Rise
- Sunday Morning
- The Arborist
- The Bon Bon Breasts of Bourbon Street
- The Break Up
- The Couch
- The Green Album by Belle & Sebastian
- The Manwich Incident
- The Next Leonard Cohen
- The Score
- The Sexy Bartender Babe
- The Sloth
- The Sun is a Star
- The Weak End
- The Writer
- The Ying Yang
- This is It
- Tipsy
- Tom Robbins
- Trampled
- Trance Europe Express Volume 1
- Tricky
- UK Wonderland
- Up a Tree
- Valentine's Day
- Valium
- Vincent Van Gogh
- Visions of Marilyn Manroe
- Waiting For Her Funeral
- Walking
- Walt Whitman
- Why Fuck is the Best Word in the English Language
- Wine
- Xtrmntr
- You've Come a Long Way, Baby